The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children and the upholding of British Values are integral to our school ethos of preparing our children to be successful global citizens and to upholding our school value of RESPECT: for ourselves, for others and the environment. SMSC and British Values are woven into all aspects of our school curriculum.
The Department for Education has introduced a statutory duty for schools to promote British Values more actively from September 2014, and to ensure they are taught in schools. There are four key British Values:
As well as actively promoting British Values, the opposite also applies: we would actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views. We uphold the Equality Act which guarantees that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group under the protected characteristics; for example religion and belief, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or similar.
At Allerton Bywater Primary School, we actively promote the British Values in the following ways.
School rules and expectations are clear, consistent, fair and regularly promoted. We explicitly teach the difference between rules and rights using our three school rules:
Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are taught how to exercise these safely, such as in our e-safety sessions and PHSE curriculum. Through the provision of a safe, supportive environment and empowering education, we provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely; for example:
Half Term
Monday 28th Oct to Friday 1st Nov
Christmas Holidays
Monday 23rd Dec to Friday 3rd Jan
Half Term
Monday 17th Feb to Friday 21st Feb
Easter Holidays
Monday 7th Apr to Monday 21st Apr
Half Term
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May
Summer Holidays
Monday 21st July to Friday 29th Aug
Monday 2nd Sept to Friday 25th Oct
Monday 4th Nov to Friday 20th Dec
Monday 6th Jan to Friday 14th Feb
Monday 24th Feb to Thursday 4th Apr
Tuesday 22nd Apr to Friday 23rd May
Monday 2nd Jun to Friday 18th Jul