Children in Key Stages One and Two are taught a robust Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum on a rolling cycle with another subject (i.e. They study PSHE for half of the year). In EYFS, PSHE is embedded through the EYFS statutory framework areas of Personal, Social and Emotional development, and Understanding the World. Learning and development opportunities for these areas, as well as Communication and Language, can be interwoven within the pupils’ experience through daily EYFS play-based activities, role-play areas, quality children’s fiction and reflective discussion to begin to build pupils’ knowledge and understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes related to PSHE elements of education.

At Allerton Bywater, the curriculum is comprehensive but flexible; we have strong communication between year groups, so teachers are confident, supported by the PSHE Lead, to amend, complement or rearrange units to best meet the needs of their individuals and cohort. We follow the Leeds recommended You, Me and PSHE scheme of work, which provides us with a clear and progressive PSHE curriculum across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.

Please note that a few changes have happened with in year groups to facilitate the teaching of the curriculum. Units might not happen in exactly the half terms shown on this LTP.

Our PSHE curriculum is split into 7 strands: Relationships and Sex Education (RSE); Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco; Keeping Safe and Managing Risk; Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing; Physical Health and Wellbeing; Careers, Financial Capability & Economic Wellbeing; and Identity, Society and Equality. Within each strand, there are age-appropriate topics for each year group and two topics are taught per term.

Relationships and Sex Education is taught in Y2, Y4 and Y6. Our RSE programme helps pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives now and in the future. Throughout the unit, children learn about the biological differences between male and female (Y2), maintaining healthy relationships (Y2, Y4, Y6) and the physical changes associated with puberty (Y4, Y6).

Links to PSHE are often covered in assemblies and through discussions around our school values and British Values. Each week, there is a class 'collective worship' session, led by the teacher that is separate from the main PSHE curriculum. Here, we can teach content that relates to PSHE but is not in our formal curriculum, allowing us to meet the needs of our pupils and our community. This year, we will have a heavy emphasis on consent and healthy relationships; water safety; and First Aid.

Allerton Bywater prides itself on meeting the needs of each individual. If a teacher identifies that a child may need more emotional wellbeing input than their whole class teaching allows, they will discuss it with the PSHE Lead, Learning Mentor or SENDCO. The child may then receive a variety of interventions to help them thrive.

For more information on our PSHE curriculum, please speak to Mrs S Thomas.

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